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The Chamber is a dynamic organisation in Whitley Bay which makes a real difference to businesses based within the town. Established in 1945, we encourage the development of trade and commercial activity in the town, the overall promotion of Whitley Bay and its immediate trading areas.

We work with many strategic partners including North Tyneside Council, North Tyneside Business Forum, Northumbria Police, the Elected Mayor, the local press and Nexus to ensure that Whitley Bay is an attractive place to conduct your business. As a result, we are able to give you early notice of matters that may affect you; and raise with these bodies, matters of concern.

In addition to our partnership in the North Tyneside Business Forum, which supports businesses across the borough, we are also members of the North Tyneside Town Centre Task Group, which helps to determine retail plans for our towns in the area. Through our affiliation with the North East Chamber of Commerce, we have access to information and resources of the NECC.

Our communal voice carries more weight than a single voice.

Together we are stronger.

Members are welcome at our bi-monthly meetings and we often invite a representative of relevant local bodies to give a short talk and to discuss matters of interest to members.

Membership costs less than £1 per week (which is tax deductible). The fee is £48 per annum.


Chairperson's Message

It is an honour for me to be in the hotseat as Chair of the Chamber. Whitley Bay is a vibrant and thriving town - quite different to even as recent as 5 years ago.

There is a lot which is special about this place but at the same time it isn't perfect - there is still plenty of work to do. 

I recognise that running an independent business is not an easy thing to do. In fact, my own business in Whitley Bay is still fairly young so I have first hand experience of the pressures and frustrations that go with it.

The Chamber can help you to become successful. We will represent you and take your concerns and feedback to the local authority, we will work with you and help you to network with other business owners, we will keep you informed of issues which affect you. The Chamber is here because of businesses like yours and mine.

We are independent and run by a committee of volunteers. There is no financial gain for us other than the desire to bring more money into our town.

If you're new to Whitley Bay, please join us. If you're already a member - thank you.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter.

Members' Meeting

Our next Chamber meeting will take place on:

Date TBC


Invitations will be sent to all members via email.



The Whitley Bay Chamber is run by volunteers, all of whom either have a business in the town or a special interest in it. The Committee is headed by a small Executive Team and we are always interested in hearing from people who may like to join us.

Below are our current Committee members. You can click on their photo to find out more, including contact details where appropriate.






© 2024 Whitley Bay Chamber of Trade. All Rights Reserved.

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